Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami Research Review: Intervenciones no farmacológicas emergentes para tratar la neuropatía diabética periféricaby Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 19, 2022Neuropatía4 min read
Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami Research Review: Emerging Nonpharmacologic Interventions to Treat Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathyby Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 19, 2022Neuropathy3 min read
Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami Research Review: Efectos de Infrarrojo Combinado con Metilcobalamina (Vitamina B-12) sobre el umbral sensorial vibratorio y la conducción nerviosa Velocidad de la Extremidad Inferior en Pacientes con Pie Diabético. Tratamientoby Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 13, 2022Neuropatía4 min read
Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami Research Review: Effects of Infrared Combined with Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B-12) on the Vibratory Sensory Threshold and Nerve Conduction Velocity of the Lower Extremity in Patients with Diabetic Foot Treatmentby Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 13, 2022Neuropathy4 min read
¿Medicamentos recetados para la neuropatía periférica?by Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 5, 2022Neuropatía4 min read
Medications Prescribed For Peripheral Neuropathy?by Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoDecember 5, 2022Neuropathy3 min read
Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami ¿Cuáles son los síntomas de la neuropatía periférica?by Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoNovember 28, 2022Neuropatía, Neuropatía4 min read
Neuropathy Relief Center of Miami. What Are Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms?by Dr. Rodolfo AlfonsoNovember 28, 2022Neuropathy, Uncategorized4 min read